12 August 2011

Kind a Gotcha

Problem : Save the site as a template missing.
Resolution : If you have “SharePoint Server Publishing” feature turned active in a SharePoint site (this is a web feature). You cannot Save the site as a template. This is because SharePoint 2010 by default stops creating site definition of a publishing site A Publishing site may have interdependencies that cannot be incorporated in a template when a template is getting created.
Problem : You are geting error while creating a search center site.
 Please check In the site collection fetures "SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure is Active", Because when you use a site creation with a new site template that use a diffrent master page , this feature need to be activated, otherwise publishing of the master page wont happen and hence fail the site creation.
Problem :
You are getting message "The operation could not be completed" when you connect to SharePoint from InfoPath.
Reason : The Site You are connecting missing a Root Site.InfoPath works only when you have a root site in the site collection.
Resolution : Create a Root Site in the site collection.
Problem: Error at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.UserProfileApplicationProxy.get_PartitionIDs() and in the error log.Current time is '2012-04-10T13:16:33.496Z' and allowed clock skew is '00:05:00'.
Resolution: All servers in the Farm should have the same time.Check all the servers in the farm have the same clock timing and in synch.

Problem: 503 errors after the credential change.
Resolution: in the iis in the credential reset the password of the app domain account.
Problem:The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x1bd54fb0 to COM context 0x1bd55200 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination

Resolution:This is a configuration change required issue. and need to set in the project propertiesDebug > Exceptions > Managed Debug Assistants (MDA), and then unchecking the ContextSwitchDeadlock option

Problem:Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
Resolution:In valid assembly reference , comma missing or public key not correct
Problem:Object reference not set to an intance of object - while creating site collection using object model.
Resolution:Use web service to create site colloction
Problem:CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.
Resolution:Add the app pool a/c as database creater in sql server.
Problem:While uploading file while migration after a limit getting the error as follows
The URL 'DocVault Library/mail_Sending_wf.wsp' is invalid. It may refer to a nonexistent file or folder, or refer to a valid file or folder that is not in the current Web.
Resolution:This issue is due to the wrong version of sql server integarted with the share point.
Express edition of sql server does not support files beyond a limt.
Problem:'AllDocStreams_CI' in database 'WSS_Content_44444' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
Resolution:This issue was due to the database growth parameters are not properly set in the development database server.Resolved by setting the correct version of database with proper growth ratio.
Problem:Diffrence of situvation using Static Name and Name with list.
Resolution:Static name will work with the list item , while Name works with after and before properties.
names are used insted of static Name in the code.
Problem:The field you are tying to update is read only,while trung to update Created By(Author).
Resolution:Code defect which is fixed by overriding the normal sharepoint default setting for the Author.
Problem-Resolution:UTC date need to be used while Updating from event reciver.

Problem:Trying to use a SPWeb object that has been closed or disposed and is no longer valid
Resolution: insted of using (SPWeb myWeb = SPContext.Current.Web)  use
Problem: Application error on the webpart page.
Resolution:Put ?content=1 to show which webpart is giving error or fix.
using (SPWeb myWeb = SPControl.GetContextSite(Context).OpenWeb()) (never close SPContext.Current.Web)

Problem: Not able to open webpart page.
Resolution: put <url>?content=1 and then edit and remove errored webpart
or if subsite is not able to open use
_layouts/spcontnt.aspx?url=/<site>/<subsite>/default.aspx to get the web part page of the subsite , edit and edit and remove errored webpart.
or finally try reset the page to site defnition in the sp designer.

Problem: People Search not returning result for https site
Resolution: for https sps3s:// and for http sps3:// on the search location of mysite.
Also reset the crawl and do full crawl.

Problem: People search people image url not set.
Resolution: use powershell script to reset the picture url of the profile for all profiles.

Problem: The text box disabled while adding web reference
Resolution:Add ?wsdl at the end or click the service discription (up to asmx does not create the proxy , need the wsdl)

10 August 2011

Mobile Configuration for SharePoint2010

“compat.browser” within the server’s IIS directory will be "\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\App_Browsers\compat.browser").
The configuration file for sharepoint 2010 with Mobiles. For eg. The IsMobileDevice attribute of that mobile browser when set to FALSE will
cause SharePoint to bypass the mobile view for that browser.”

Note that if you do any modification with sharepoint designer to a site and found that *.browser file got duplicated in another folder , you need to delete this folder

7 August 2011

List web service and Copy web service to down load files from a Folder in SharePoint

/*It is a very common requirement that to down load the files from a folder from a sharepoint library using web service.The following code uses two inbuilt web services of sharepoint two down load files using webservice. This code can be used to create a console application that can be scheduled using a windows service to have scheduled transfer from Sharepoint*/

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Net;using System.IO;using System.Xml;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;namespace
FromSharePointclass Program{

static void Main(string[] args)try{
objLists.Credentials = System.Net.

objLists.Url = sitePath +

ndQueryOptions.InnerXml =
Lists objLists = new FileGET.Lists();CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;string sitePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SitePath"].ToString();string destPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DestinationPath"].ToString();"_vti_bin/Lists.asmx";XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();XmlNode ndQueryOptions = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "QueryOptions", "");string.Format("<Folder>{0}</Folder>", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SourcePath"].ToString());XmlNode ndListItems = objLists.GetListItems("Library", null, null, null, null, ndQueryOptions, null); // you can change the document library name to your custom document library name




myCopyService.Url = sitePath +
myCopyService.Credentials = System.Net.

XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(ndListItems.OuterXml, XmlNodeType.Element, null);DataSet ds = new DataSet();if (ds.Tables.Count > 1)foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[1].Rows)string fpath = dr["ows_FileRef"].ToString().Substring(dr["ows_FileRef"].ToString().IndexOf("/"));Copy myCopyService = new CopyLIST.Copy();"_vti_bin/copy.asmx";CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;string webURL = sitePath.Substring(0, sitePath.IndexOf("sites/") + 5);string copySource = webURL + fpath;FieldInformation myFieldInfo = new CopyLIST.FieldInformation();FieldInformation[] myFieldInfoArray = { myFieldInfo };byte[] myByteArray;// Call the web service
uint myGetUint = myCopyService.GetItem(copySource, out myFieldInfoArray, out myByteArray);// Convert into Base64 String
base64String =
string base64String;Convert.ToBase64String(myByteArray, 0, myByteArray.Length);// Convert to binary array
byte[] binaryData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);// Create a temporary file to write the text of the form to
string tempFileName = destPath + @"\"+ dr["ows_LinkFileName"].ToString();// Write the file to temp folder
fs.Write(binaryData, 0, binaryData.Length);


FileStream fs = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);catch (Exception ex)Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());Console.Read();

Copy Files To SharePoint from Local Folder Using OOB Copy WebService

/*It is very common requirement that you need to upload files from a folder to Sharepoint. The OOB Copy web service can be used for the same,The below code can be used to create a console application that can be used to schedule transfers*/

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.IO;using System.Configuration;namespace
ToSharePointclass Program{

static void Main(string[] args)try{
myCopyService.Url =

string passWord = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"].ToString();
System.Net.NetworkCredential nc2 = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(userID, passWord);*/
Copy myCopyService = new CopyLIST.Copy();ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SitePath"].ToString() + "_vti_bin/Copy.asmx";/*string userID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserID"].ToString();myCopyService.AllowAutoRedirect =
myCopyService.PreAuthenticate =
myCopyService.Credentials = System.Net.




lcopyDest[0] = copyDest +

true;true;CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;string copySource = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SourcePath"].ToString();string copyDest = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DestinationPath"].ToString();FieldInformation myFieldInfo = new CopyLIST.FieldInformation();FieldInformation[] myFieldInfoArray = { myFieldInfo };byte[] myByteArray;if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(copySource))string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(copySource);string[] lcopyDest = new string[1];foreach (string s in files)int inv = s.LastIndexOf(@"\");string flname = s.Substring(inv + 1);@"\" + flname;string src = copySource + @"\" + flname;using (FileStream fileStreamSource = new FileStream(src, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))// Read the source file into a byte array.myByteArray =



numBytesRead += n;
numBytesToRead -= n;
numBytesToRead = myByteArray.Length;

new byte[fileStreamSource.Length];int numBytesToRead = (int)fileStreamSource.Length;int numBytesRead = 0;while (numBytesToRead > 0)int n = fileStreamSource.Read(myByteArray, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);if (n == 0)break;if (myByteArray.Length > 0)CopyResult myCopyResult1 = new CopyLIST.CopyResult();CopyResult[] myCopyResultArray = { myCopyResult1 };try{

myFieldInfoArray, myByteArray,




uint myCopyUint = myCopyService.CopyIntoItems(copySource, lcopyDest,out myCopyResultArray);if (myCopyUint == 0)int idx = 0;foreach (CopyLIST.CopyResult myCopyResult in myCopyResultArray)string opString = (idx + 1).ToString();if (myCopyResultArray[idx].ErrorMessage == null)Console.WriteLine("Copy operation " + opString +"completed.\r\n" + "Destination: " +else{

myCopyResultArray[idx].ErrorMessage +






Console.WriteLine("Copy operation " + opString +" failed.\r\n" + "Error: " +"\r\n" +"Code: " + myCopyResultArray[idx].ErrorCode);catch (Exception exc)Console.WriteLine(exc.ToString());Console.Read();catch(Exception ex)Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());Console.Read();